Christine on HGTV

Tuesday, January 23, 2007


As I look at all that has happened in the first 23 days of January, I have to be thankful for my health, my sanity and my family. God continues to bless me and I am happy to say that this year has been, so far, so good for me.

I received some incredible Christmas gifts, lots of love, and some wonderful new beginnings that I am eager to keep on track with.

I have a website now....yes, yes. For many years I have tried everything, and searched high and low for a website that was affordable and allowed me to build a business with the products that I create. This year, after some prodding from a friend, I just did the dam thang and signed up! It's like ok...what are you waiting for!!?? You can do this, and so I did. Now if I can only get my products photographed, priced and downloaded...I'll be set. I plan to link my blog to it 'cause this was my first taste at being online.

Yea baby!!! I want to sell, sell, sell!! So look out world....there's a new girl on the selling block! At long last my cousin Dena and I appear to be moving forward this year as we hook up with her contacts to further our selling goals. I think we'll do alright, and as we grow and expand our knowledge and client base...I think we'll be able to step out on faith and become independent of our day time jobs. That's the plan right? SELF-EMPLOYMENT....what an empowering thought.

This mannequin is something I'm working on right now. Remember my little Christmas tree with all the charms, buttons, and jeweled items? Well I put them to good use. I just love how this is turning out.

I have to also mention that there has been some heart ache this new year. A dear friend and choir member, Klamaria Grogran, fell ill and has been hospitalized after suffering a massive heart attack. It happened so suddenly, and we all couldn't believe it. One Friday, we're singing and wishing each other well until we see each other again...and the next thing...this strikes her down. We can thank God that it wasn't fatal, and that she is slowly progressing. But it will be a long road for her and her family. I pray for her well being every day.

Another dear friend in Maryland, has had some challenges with her health and suffered a heart attack as well a few weeks back. Unfortunately, Barbara shrugged the symptoms off and never went to seek help....that is until it struck again and forced her to go. Why was she so careless with her life...only she can answer that. I guess we all think, "oh that pain in my chest is heartburn", or "I'm short of breath because I'm getting old." No, none of those things were true, and if she hadn't gone in when she did...she may not have lived to tell me the story. And to think, she lost her only granddaughter last year. I believe we suffer from believing "it's not our time yet" and we believe we will live forever. In spite of all that we do to our bodies...we believe, "naw I'm alright."

Well, I went a whole year without a physical....why? I can only say that I felt overwhelmed with switching insurance carriers and couldn't nagivate my way through the system. I know, it's a lame excuse, but that's exactly what happened. After having these two women, who are close to me in age, go through what they've been through....I WON'T COMPLAIN about my life and it's ups and downs. I am not hospitalized, I am not fighting for my last breath...I'm still here and I have a chance to do something to keep me here among the living. My choir sang Fred Hammond's new song, "I won't complain (thank you)", and it's going to be my mantra to keep me in check.

Here's me in one of my Christmas presents. I want to wear this dress with no stress, so I have to get real about this weight battle.

Brother, my cousin's great uncle who lived to be 103, used to say this to me all of the time - "I'm thankful to be among the living." Well I am thankful too, and I need to begin to live like I am.

I am still carrying this weight, and I can't seem to shake that holiday eating syndrome. I do well for a few days, but then I fall back into my rut. Recently I watched as Oprah's trainer, Bob Greene, shared his secrets to living the Best Life based on his new book. I have to take this and live by it. What am I afraid of missing....I've eaten cookies and cakes and pies a million times. Why do I still crave fried chicken and tacos and pizza all the doggone time? I need to find out quick.

Next week I will make an appointment to see a new doctor and get my life back on track. I talk to a Wellness counselor and discuss my plans, but haven't implemented anything....what am I waiting on? I can't fit my clothes, I hate the way I look...what am I doing to myself?

I don't want to believe the worse about myself, so my head is buried deep in the sand of reality. Wake up girl and get your butt in gear....this year has got to be your best year ever. I have been in California 5 years come Oct., and I want something to show for it.

With God's help, and a lot of self discipline....I think I can make it. So I won't complain about the little things that annoy me, about what I want...because God will supply all my needs. I just have to have faith and a whole lot of prayer. Love ya.....Jesus Joy!! :0)

Thursday, January 04, 2007

ALL I WANT FOR THE Peace and Love, and Goodwill toward all men.

The "trinity" of holidays are behind us now, but here are some shots how the holidays stacked up for me at work, with my choir and going home.


I fell ill during New Year's weekend so I was not in a partying mood. If I was I'd probably look like this though....:0)

Dad and the Burton, Brewer and Powell girls....Fran, Ollie, Sr., Tija & Christine
This is my beautiful mother, Gerry Lee Burton....admiring my gifts to her!

Jamie (Step-Mom), Fran and Dad....getting really cozy!

Fran & Zayed and their famous Coconut Cake...."You got it goin' on Girl...No you do!"

Jeff Jr. and his girfriend Francine.....alot of snuggling up in the cold weather up in Sac.
First A.M.E.'s Unity Choir in da houze. Anna Moore hosted our Christmas Party....Altos, Soprano's, Tenors!!
Niki, I told you I brought my gift...let me play please!!!!

Sisterly love between Adonna and Kim

Tim, Goldie and Kim.....eating good in the neighborhood. :0) Whoever brought those ribs - they were off the hoook!! Our newest Unity baby, Aniyah Graham......

I won, I won! At my office party...I won a Quesadilla maker!! Woohoo!

Dad and the girls....Victoria (Step-daughter), Fran & Chris....say cheese!

Little Miss Chandler! - Vickie's daughter
And here's Vickie's other child, AJ (Alex).......
Talking about blue-eyed soul....there it is!

Hey Frannie (Tija's BFF)....yea my chocolate pie hit the spot!


Jeff and sister, Niecy Powell....CHEEEEZZZZEEEEE!
Jeff and his mom...Fran supervising as Ernest carves that turkey...come to think of it, she's just waiting for the first piece - fork in hand!

Mom and her girls.....Gerry Burton, Christine, Fran and granddaughter, Tija (Atija).

The Powell Clan loves we played, and played until all the gifts were won!

Jeff's Great Aunt and my Niece Katina Burton...

I hope you all had a wonderful holiday season......these photos prove that me and my family and friends did.

IN MEMORIAM - Uncle John D. Houston

My Aunt Shirley (my mom's baby sister)

I want to acknowledge the passing of my Uncle John David Houston. Uncle John D., which was the name most of us called him. it wasn't right unless we said, "Uncle John D."

My uncle passed on Dec. 20th from complications due to Diabetes, Pneumonia and Alzheimers. He and my aunt Shirley were married for 50 years, and that's incredible. My Uncle John D. was a man that was bigger than life. He was over 6'9"Ft. probably, and he played Basketball when I was about 4 years old. I remember that the team my uncle played with actually played the Harlem Globe Trotters in a charity basketball game. I never, ever forgot the excitement of that event, and for many years I thought that he was one of the Globetrotters.

Over the years my Uncle and his children developed Diabetes and it is a horrible debilitating disease. My uncle's dad had it, and it was passed on to his children. My cousin Debbie died a number of years ago due to her bout with Diabetes, and her sister Brenda is struggling with it now. Out of 5 kids, only the 2 daughters contracted it...the boys have showed no signs of it.

When I was in elementary school, my cousin Debbie and I went to school for about a year or so, and then the Houston's moved to the South side of Sacramento. Debbie and I were the same age and we spent a lot of time together. She was as close as a sister to me. I would spend the night at the Houston's all the mom taking me waaaay over to South Sac. I would watch my Uncle John D. being a father and I so loved being in the house with a man there. He was my dad when I stayed over. The Aunts and Uncles treated their nieces and nephews as their own...I loved that, and I will never forget him.

My aunt is doing well, as she has come to terms with him no longer suffering. But I can only imagine her missing this giant of a man in her life....her soul mate, her partner for life until death do they part. God bless you Uncle John D. You were a wonderful man with a great sense of humor and a loving heart. I will miss you.

As we begin this new year, I pray for Peace in Iraq, I pray for prosperity, and I pray for hope to all those who have none. God continues to bless us....and I am ever thankful for every day I live. Tomorrow is not promised to any of us, so we have to live each day as if it were our last.....I intend to do that.