It's the end of month and it sure has been an interesting one to say the least. Especially this week. I have been challenging myself to become more prolific in computer techniques/graphics as well as getting my products out into cyberspace.
I have been teaching myself how to create unique works of art in Adobe Photoshop since a friend did some creative work on the website. She inspired me to learn more and use all of these programs and software I've acquired over the years. Thanks Miss Emily Y.
I have even delved into making mini movies with a movie maker program I have. It's really quite ambitious when you think about it. Gathering footage, graphics, clipart and photos require just the right selections to tell your story. Sometimes it comes together nicely, but other times I have found myself just stifled.
My goal is to create a BANNER for my blog and other website venues. I have been struggling to come up with just the right images, and I haven't been able to pull it together yet. I just love the banners that I see on other sites and I am determined to come up with a few that mirrors my style and work.
And now I have an Etsy shop and that's great. You can sell your handmade items on there for a nominal fee. I have noticed that not only do a lot of "artists" have websites and blogs, but they also sell their products on eBay and Etsy. So, I have joined the ranks and pray that I continue to grow and expose people to my goods. I have even had a few "comments" on this blog....so somebody out there's reading. IT'S ON AND POPPIN! :0)
Much needed "R & R"
I remember the first time I heard that expression, the year was 1978 and a coworker said it. I didn't want to appear dumb, so I didn't ask what it was right out. She kept saying it, and I wanted to see how she connected "R & R" to what she continued to talk about....in the hood, we never say R & R...we say "GET OUT OF DODGE." Meaning...we're going away, on vacation, for a little Rest & Relaxation. LOL!!! R & R...yep I took a much needed mini vacation to my hometown of Sacramento.

First stop San Francisco. My mom, sister, and I took the Ferry from Vallejo into San Francisco on a mission to find a wonderful store that I found on the internet.

Tobie, Mom, Christine - Say cheese!
This store, Bell'occhio, sells wonderful and rare items such as ribbons, perfume, ephemera,

This store is a treasure shop for people like me who just love romantic and vintage items.
I was sursprised by how small the space was, but it was gorgeous inside. Lots of beautiful signs, dress forms, and mannequins. They have the rarest of rare items you'd ever expect to see in a French inspired boutique.
I asked the shopkeeper if I could take photos of some items, but she wasn't hearing it. Good thing I snuck one picture of me inside the place. Otherwise how would you know what it looks like, and how would I remember all the beauty of Bell'occhio. What I loved about the store was the time and care that was taken in packaging my bought items. My goods were wrapped in tissue, and then tied with a gorgeous red bow. She even finished ribbons off by clipping them with rare pinking shears. This kind of luxury packaging is reserved for the well-heeled and its a time honored tradition. I just loved it.

The other cool thing about the store was their door. The shopkeeper walked us out and showed us this mechanical eye that's affixed to the door. She demonstrated to us that it "opened" and "closed" to let customers know if the shop was open or closed. It was really quite unique.
My sister, mom and I walked almost 16 blocks from the pier to the store, and it was great fun. However, my mom and I decided to take the trolley back to the pier. My sister Tobie is an avid walker, so she walked the entire way back.

What a great day we had, visiting the shops and boutiques at the ferry and then checking out the store. We plan to go back and spend an entire day just shopping in San Francisco.

Hi and bye Mom!!
While I was visiting Sac. I had one other thing on my mind and I couldn't wait to get there...GOIN' FISHIN' with the family. My cousins Marilyn and Herman were members of a resort just outside of Sac. and a few of the family spent the weekend doing what we love best, Fishin' and Eatin'. :0) My sister Fran, and I took our great niece Alexis on her first fishing trip and it was a lot of fun. My dad and other cousins met us there, and we all had a wonderful time fishing, playing cards and eating....did I mention we love cooking and eating???

My great niece Alexis did very well for her first time fishing. And she learned how to fish on a rod & reel, not an 'ole pole like we had when we were kids! It was fun to see her finally reel one in. Go Lexi!!

So here's my story of the one that got away. My sister and I were standing near one another, and I finally got a great bite. Fran always catches the big ones, but I could tell that I had a nice fish on my line. Well, in my anxiousness to reel this nice sized bass in, the fish kind of took over and swam toward a large tree branch floating in the water. I was so busy reeling I wasn't paying attention, so it ended up getting hung up in that branch. My dad called right in the middle of us trying to get the fish and it was like chaos and panic!! I didn't want to lose the fish, but it was apparent that I was going to have to break the line. When I did, we noticed that the fish was still tangled up in the branch. So I threw down the reel, ran to my cousins RV and grabbed anything that would help me pull the branch within reaching distance.
After several tries, I grabbed the branch...and all the while, my sister was holding on to me as I reached and reached for the tree. It was so funny, as I'm sure passersby didn't have a clue what I was doing...all they saw was this "human chain" she and I had formed. I was determined not to lose that fish!!! So finally, finally I pulled that large branch out of the water, and me and my sister were so happy we had it....until further inspection of the branch showed that the fish was no longer tangled and had plopped right back into the lake. Doggonit!!! We were so busy pulling out that branch that neither one of us kept an eye on getting to the fish. So....I was left with my fish tale, and NO PICTURES either...of the one that got away. Later, as we were telling the story to my cousins, one cousin offered that she was in the club house and a few patrons were retelling what they had just saw on the lake...two women forming a human chain. Little did she know that it was us they were talking about. I didn't care...I was on a mission! I caught about a dozen or more little perch/bluegills...but had to throw them back since they were so small. I might have been catchin' the same ones over and over - who knows?? It was fun and that's all that mattered.

I also visited with a few of my great nieces and great nephews while I was there. These are my brothers Raymond and Robert's grandchildren from their sons and a daughter...Aaron, Bryant, Decia, Damont. Loves'em!

Chelsea, Darrius, and Coco!!!

Derrick Jr. on his way to the ballpark!

Niece Vanessa and her Aunt Francine!!

"The recent Graduate" Iessa & mom Olivia
I even visited with my girlfriend in Stockton, and she treated me to a wonderful concert featuring Norman Brown. I really had an enjoyable trip!!
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