Today is the day the rest of the world finds out if Carrie Bradshaw marries her Mr. Right, aka "Big". The SATC girls have had a couple of premieres, abroad and in New York, and today the movie hits theaters everywhere. I truly hope it doesn't flop. It seems that since the show was such a success that all of us die hard fans are going to support it, right? Let's hope so.
I have been a fan of Sex and The City since it appeared on HBO way back when. I loved it the moment I saw it and was very sad when I had to miss a few seasons because I moved to Cali and could not get cable right away.
However, I was able to catch up on the major character's life changes and story lines by watching the reruns at 11:00pm on my local station. When I found out that Miranda finally married Steve, Charlotte married and converted to Judaism, Samantha had cancer, and Carrie moved to Paris - it was all too exciting.
However, I knew that these were very watered down versions because these ladies never bit there tongues, nor did the writers ever stay away from any taboo subjects. They taught me so much about lots of things I dared not even reveal an interest in (wink). Sex and The City put it out there and they did it with humor, class and dignity.
I think I'll probably go alone because there aren't too many folks in my circle who have even expressed an interest. No matter. I'll enjoy it all the same. I've seen the incredible fashions, and I hear the plot is full of surprises and twists and turns....even fantasy sequences. So the big question in my mind is will Carrie and Big live happily ever after in a grand luxury apartment on the Upper East Side with her big closet of designer shoes and duds. I sure hope so. It's every girl's dream, even mine!

I am blessed to have two wonderful sisters in my life, as well as two (remaining) brothers who I adore. We've been through a lot as a family, and I'm grateful to be able to see this day as my oldest sister reaches a milestone.
My sister Tobie was the first to graduate from college in our family and I remember attending her graduation at Long Beach State. Our family came all the way from Sacramento to this place I had never heard of, or been to before.
My middle sister and I ended up staying with cousins we had never met before and learned some very interesting things about folks in Los Angeles. We were in Gardena as a matter of fact and the year was 1970. The Temptations had a song out called "Ball of Confusion" and I learned the entire lyrics to this song from my new cousin Jean. She and her friends were sooo cool. They played bumper pool (billiards), hung out on the street corner, partied, and did things me and my sister Fran had never done. And this happened all in a weekend, which felt like an entire week. Even though we "country girls" were like fish out of water - we had so much fun.
We arrived at the college and made our way into this huge auditorium. Wow! So many hundreds of seats, and this huge stage was decorated with flowers and such. It's amazing that as a kid you really can't take in the brevity of a situation until you look back on it many years later, or now as understood when I graduated from college and my family attended. I remember when they said her name and we cheered so loud, I just knew she heard us from way down below on that stage.
Yep there I was, a kid of 13 attending my oldest sister's college graduation. I'll never forget that day, as I was so proud of her. I dodn't know if I ever told her that, but my being there was evidence that we loved and supported her.
She went on to accomplish so many more "firsts" for our family and inspired me along the way to reach for my goals and dreams. She was the youngest supervisor in her department at GE telephone company after college; she was a mere 24 years old. She was also the first black female to anchor the news in Baltimore in the 1980's. She worked at WMAR, an NBC affiliate. This was the same station that Oprah Winfrey got her start on television.
So today she's having a birthday and I'm so happy to wish her another one. Blow out another candle sister, and I wish you many, many more to come. I love you!
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