Christine on HGTV

Thursday, February 07, 2008


Well the race is tighter than ever for the Democratic party. "Billary" Clinton and Mr. Obama are neck and neck in this race. Hillary even loaned $5 million dollars more to her campaign to step up her game.

Even though Barack won 13 states, and Hillary won 8, she won more delegates and that sucks big time as far as I can calculate. The race is not over, but after hearing some of the dumb reasons people are voting the way they are....I get angry and discouraged. I'm still hopeful but...I'M STEAMING right about now.

This Mexican bus driver was talking to a black woman today and he said, "yea, when Bill was in office he brought the recession down, and I think he'll help Hillary do a good job. Since we've never had a woman president I want to see that in my lifetime." HOGWASH!!! Homey knows that if a Mexican man was running against Hillary. all that talk would go right out the window!! The black woman said, "so basically if people vote for Hillary they're really voting for her husband." He agreed and was happy with that. Yet he can't see that America has never had a Black, Hispanic, or Asian for President.

GIVE ME A BREAK!!!! Politics and Religion....two issues you just don't want to get into a discussion with with friends and strangers.

Other candidates are dropping out of the race like flies, but Barack Obama is in it to win it and I'm backing him all the way. Yea he represents me and I like his policies....America needs change.

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