The holiday season is upon us - the seasons are coming and going like I can't believe. I just returned from a short trip home to Northern Cali. for Thanksgiving and it was awesome! My sister hosted the dinner at she and her husband's home and family and friends were in full effect. Lots of good food, games, and conversation. Thanks again Fran & Jeff...another successful Thanksgiving was had by all! (I've been trying to download my pics....but you know how this system wants to act a fool!)
I love this highway sign in West Sacramento. The first time I saw it was on a visit home when I lived in Washington, DC back in 1994 or sometime around then. I don't know how long this sign has been up, but I think it's pretty unique that they would post the miles from Cali to Ocean City, Maryland - my old stomping ground.
I arrived home on Wed. morning Nov. 22. That afternoon, my sister and I took my 10 year old great niece to see "Happy Feet", the story of a dancing penquin, his family and friends. It features awesome music and unbelievable animation. It was hilarious! The penquins were voiced by the likes of Hugh Jackman, Nicole Kidman, Robin Williams, Paul Rodriguez, and Elijah Wood as "Mumbles". Alexis enjoyed herself, and we did too.
Ainie Christine and Great-Niece Alexis
No matter how how you try, you never get to see everyone while visiting home. However, I did manage to hang out with my friends from high school. The great thing about my friends is that they all come out to see me when I come to town. I can't tell you how "special" it feels to have everyone make the effort. Every year when I return we try and meet up. Sometimes it's the same people, and lately new people have joined in. No matter who comes, the good times get better and better.
I even had an opportunity to attend a football game at my alma mater, Grant Union High School. They are UNDEFEATED!! Yea...booooyyyy! Some things never change. When I was there, my class of 1974 was all a matter of fact...from 1972 - 74, the athletic department at Grant was winning championships in all areas of sports...Basketball, Football, Volleyball...we had many great times defending our titles. For this game, Grant beat Del Oro 27 - 10!!!! Woohoo!
CATCUS QUEENS OF CALIFORNIA (Sacramento that is...)
I was so happy to be able to visit with one of my family's dear friends, Marie. Marie has been collecting, growing, and showing prize winning cactus and succulents for several years now. I have "never" seen so many beautiful and unusual varieties of desert plants in my life. She's a member of a Cactus Society, and does very well with her show entries, as she had placed First a few times.
Marie shared her books, photos and stories on her beloved cacti. If you're going to do something (grow an abundance of cactus), then you must research that thing and know what it is you're dealing with. I was fascinated with the varieties of flowering cacti as well.
The best, best, best part of this visit was.....getting samples and potted plants that Marie and her neighbor Joyce didn't mind parting with. My sister and I came home with an abundance of beauties....and yes I carried those plants all the way back to L.A. I had packed them in carry on bags, which added to my already weighty luggage, but I was determined to take as many home as I could. I still have a few at my sister's but that's alright. I'll be home for Christmas and will make sure I bring my "big" travel bag. LOL - Thanks so much Marie and Joyce!!
Marie explaining the variety of cactus in her neighbor's yard.
One of Marie's Greenhouses
Now these are what I call Prick-lies.....:0)Mini Greenhouse to accomodate the overflow....and what an overflow it is.
Marie's neighbor Joyce, in her yard It was like a tropical paradise. Joyce's Sunburst varigated succulent. Just gorgeous!
Be fruitful and multiply....these five cacti in the pot are "pups" from one cacuts in the pot.
I can't remember ever seeing a purple cactus. These ladies have an enormous love and dedication to gardening and I was so thrilled to see all of their wonderful plants. I too love growing flowers, but have always wanted to grow cacti. With their in depth knowledge and guidance...perhaps I'll join the ranks of being a Cactus Queen of California. Well done ladies!!!
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