Christine on HGTV

Thursday, August 24, 2006

OK are you checkin' out my site's new look? I am getting so much better at formatting. I even "added" my Links, a section for Video Clips, and a section for my Celebrity Gossip sites. I knew I'd figure out how to edit the HTML stuff eventually. My next step is inserting more pictures.
So whil I'm workin' it better...Watch-out-dere-nah!


This weekend I organized my work space in order to be able to find everything, and began working on several new projects. I'm in a place where I have to finish things, and just give them an updated look.

When my cousin Dena and I were at the L.A. Gift Show I saw this jewelry display and it was made out of cardboard, well I just had to go home and try it. I found a big old piece of cardboard I was saving (I collect and save so much stuff 'cause you never know when you're going to need it - :0)! )
And here's a picture of it so far. I've still got black paint under my short nails. I mean you scrub and scrub but it gets stuck in your nailbed.

I added some corrugated paper so that it looks like the arms have sleeves. I'm not sure if I'll add pearls or glitter to jazz this up.

I found a way to make the arms link together, so that they'll stand will be in an "X" configuration. I'm gonna paint the fingernails with glitter and we'll see how well it holds up under pressure.
I love it when things just come together. I hope to make other kinds of similiar items using foam board. The thing with foam board is that it is so hard to cut. I even bought a special cutter, and it still comes out raggedy. What I need next is to get myself a craft table to work on. Right now, I have a TV suitable as it has been for all that I've been doing....I need more workspace. I used to have everything I needed at my house in DC.....guess I'll have to show you what I mean once I find those pictures. Boo hoo....I sure do miss that house!


This is a picture of the cigarette box books we made.

Every time I look up, I see these empty cigarette boxes on the ground. I have to stop myself from continuing to pick them up.

Jon what have you done to me???? :0)

I've got about 6 packs now. Once they're finished I think I have an idea just who I'll give them to.


Here is a picture of me and the girls at the Marcus Miller concert with the keyboardist Bobby. His cousin is a friend of my cousin Dena's. We had a blast. Bobby is so baaad, the man was playing the keyboard with his elbow....he was leanin' on it!!! LOL You go boy.

And here's Marcus and Laylah jammin' on the song, "Killin' Me Softly". Marcus can play damn near any instrument. He said that he did have a hard time playing the harmonica though. And Miss Laylah, what can I say about her? I saw her at the House of Blues on Sunset with my boy Rasaahn Patterson (HE IS SO WONDERFUL), and they tore it up.
Laylah is so down to earth and has a very humorous side to her. She has such a gentle spirit and in no way revels in who she is and how fabulous she is. She is just a woman that inherited her Daddy's pipes (her little sister Kenya is singing too). The girl can sing ANYTHING....and she just puts you in a place that you want to stay in forever. I plan to purchase all of her CD's...I've got to have her in my CD collection.
I don't know about anybody else....but I still play dress up and strut around the house in my fabulous one-of-a-kind costumes. Sometimes I don't have a clue that I'm going to do it, but I'll be sitting at home and I'll hear some music which leads me to dance, which leads me to try on different costumes. And these days, even though my body ain't where I want it, I still can fit into those outfits that leave very little to the imagination. I mean what's an entertainer supposed to do but entertain??
Everyday we see the images on TV, in the videos and somewhere deep inside we want to look just that fabulous!!! I am not ashamed of my body....I was told many years ago that I am very proportioned and so I'm embracing what God gave me. But my look has to be very put together. So even when I think it's too this or too that....I just remember what and who I'm dressing it up for. I want to be edgy and unusual, not the typical sex pot or video ho!
Years ago when I lived in Silver Spring, MD and I was just beginning to explore my interests in Fashion, I began experimenting with how I wore my clothing. I took every day items like blouses and even an apron and transformed them by wearing them in a way they weren't meant to be worn. I didn't take any pictures of the clothes, but I still dabble in that idea of transforming everyday wear into something else because that's how you begin creating new things. The discovery a new use for an old item of clothing is what really excites me and gets my creative juices flowing.
My cousin Dena and I live to design! My other cousin in Sac., Diane, is an artist and she sews too. It's in our blood chile. It's like I said family has folks with a wide array of skills in all mediums.
Dena's been sewing a lot longer than me, so she can cut, sew and stitch up anything! Last year when we went to the Pasadena Jazz festival...she helped me finish up a T-Shirt dress that I had begun. They say 2 heads are better than one, and we absolutely made it work.
She and I are so alike it's scary. The first couple of years we were hanging out....we just laughed histerically at some of the things we had in common.....and we are still finding that out to this day. I tell you, there's no better feeling than to find someone who "gets it". Someone who wants to create and design as much as you do, and who has the talent and tenacity to get the job done. It is only a matter of time before everyone will see how we roll. She and I have been doing it now it's time to feed off one another, inspire and make our dreams come true.
And all of this comes from playing dress up, and wanting to be different from the rest. I can't stand these fads out here. Every time I look up....everybody's wearing the same doggone thing. The minute the fad changes, then everybody jumps on that bandwagon. I have never been one to buy something and wear it all season long, or just because that's what's in. If I like it, that's one thing, but to buy something just because everyone else has it....I don't think so. I want to be able to set the trend, and not a fad....because fads come and go like the day. Trends stay around, and go away and come back again. T-R-E-N-D-S-E-T-T-E-R....yea that's what I want to be known as.
The ladies at my job call me a Fashionista (fash•ion•ista /fnist/ noun (used especially in newspapers) a fashion designer, or a person who is always dressed in a fashionable way). I can say that I never thought of myself in that way, but I guess it's true. I do have a very fashionable wardrobe. I don't dress that way "everyday" though, because I don't want to appear "pretentious" like I just gotta wear A-list stuff all the time. I try to mix it up from casual to dressy, to funky because then when you "fail" in your one is dissin' you about how you look. They'll accept the downlow look, as well as all the other looks you have. But honey, if I could go to work dressed to the Nine's everyday....I would!! I ain't gon' lie! People get envious or resentful of you....and so I don't. I have a very generous benefactor who has kept me in style with lots and lots of designer duds and then what I purchase on my own.
In any event, I get noticed for one thing or another. I'm not doing too bad. But I have never bought or owned anything from the more well-known high end designers. I guess one day I'd like to wear something from Dolce & Gabana, Chanel, Prada, or Gucci....just because I could afford it, not because I "have" to wear designer clothes. I know that whatever I buy will be unusual and beautifully made...something I'm striving for in my designs.
God is so good to me, and even though I'm not a working artist (still have a day job), I've sold a few Cigar Box purses to date. I've sold other items when I lived in DC too. Since being back in Cali...I've begun to create so many more projects, and I love it. I do not want to be limited to one medium, and God has made sure of that. I have been blessed to create a number of items and I'm teaching myself, and learning about the skill needed to become proficient in all of them. Lesley Riley said that no one comes into this world being perfect at their given talent. We understand about being a "genius", but even being a genius means you practice at your craft. I'm not out here just making all kinds of junk 'cause I think I can. I truly believe that I have been blessed with a know-how and the skill to achieve far greater rewards than I ever realized before.
That is why I must, and cannot continue to let these years pass me by and not work to get my ideas out into the world. God did not bless you with whatever he blesses you with so that you sit on it and just keep it to yourself. We are vessels to be used to further his ministry in whatever way we can....and I believe that I am embarking upon that mission. A change is gonna I'll never give up, never give up!

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

As I get older, my patience and tolerance for things seems to get shorter and shorter by the minute. I think I'm also being tested because of the environment I live in...millions of people rushing here and there, and everybody has one thing on their mind - I AM GOING TO GET MINE AND YOU BETTER GET OUT OF MY WAY!
Every day I ride a crowded bus and train to work. In the mornings it's ok, but in the evening when I am tired and ready to go home...the drama starts. Have you ever had to stand in the blazing sun and watch 2, 3, 4 buses pass you by because they're filled up with people? And then when one does stop, it's every man, woman and child for themselves...."Get out of the way...I need to get on this bus" and you will be pushed and shoved and squashed until they get on.
I had to literally put my hand in front of this woman and restrain her from cutting in front of me because I clearly was the next person to board. I didn't like that, and I know that had I been really altercation may have ensued.
This is all new to me, and I don't like it. So, some days I say..."girl you have a car, just drive and avoid that madness!" But oh's worse on the highways because insane, selfish, uncaring people also have cars and that behavior carries over. People don't signal lane changes, they cut you off because they want to be in front of you, and then they slow down and cruise...."hey didn't you just damn near run me off the road for going too slow and now you're doing it to me?"
Yesterday I drove to work, and on the way home there was a stalled truck on the bridge. Well, the traffic was backed up for miles. And wouldn't you know it, those selfish, uncaring, insane jerks who believed they could drive right pass the line and merge into the traffic way up ahead of you kept coming, and coming and coming. It was just amazing. I understand road rage because as hot as it was, my nerves were beginning to fray, and rage began to build as two lanes of traffic became three, and then four lanes all the way up to the very last possible space to merge into my outside lane.
I never understand why other people believe they are entitled to "cheat" the system, and cut in front of their fellow passengers in order to get better positioned in traffic when we're all trying to get somewhere....but they do it all of the time.
When I exit from the freeway, there's a lane that merges onto the freeway behind my lane, and those cars who are merging, clearly see that there is no marked lane outside of the one I'm sitting in, but they go on the outside anyway and then forcefully merge in the lane. Some days I just deal with it, and other days, I position my car and block their way. Why do I have to do this....because I don't want to give this person the upper hand on my turn in line. Everybody disregards the right of way....that's been replaced with....IT'S MY WAY! People drive any way they want and they just don't give any regard to who is in front of them, who is behind them, and who they may cause distress or even an accident because they're on a mission to get where they're going....and nothing and nobody else matters.
What choice do I have though....suffer on the trains and buses, or suffer on the highways. It's all in a day's commute my friends, all in a day's commute! But I say to all of you who believe you're the only person that matters on this planet...just wait and see. One day you're going to be the one who gets cheated on and you'll be pissed off and left why did they do that to me?!
It's all good ya'll, the party train just keeps on rolling. Last Fri. (8/18) my cousin got tickets to attend Marcus Miller's show and it was the bomb. Marcus plays the bass guitar, keyboards, and he also plays the alto, tenor and bass sax. The man is too talented. I know of Marcus Miller because he and Laylah Hathaway did a song some years ago and it was the jam. When I found out it was on Marcus' album, I bought it.
Well wouldn't you know it, Laylah Hathaway joined Marcus and the band onstage. Although she didn't sing that song, anything Laylah sings is worth listening too. We got to meet Laylah and take some pics, and also meet a few other band members. It was a fun night.
Well, this Sat. I did what I knew had to be done....cleaned up my storage space a bit. I had the intentions of sorting through my clothing to take to the consignment shop or donate them, but I didn't get that far. Instead I made room to take out a busted dresser and lots of other miscellaneous stuff that I may be able to sell since I don't use them.
I also bought myself a much needed shelf unit that I customized so that I could store my craft supplies on it. I went to Big Lots, and found 3 separate platic shelf units with wheels. I didn't like the top shelf on it, so I took it off and just used the two remaining shelves of it. This afforded me six separate shelves to stack on top of each other and I cannot tell you how much better my "studio" kitchen looks. I was so anxious to set it up, I did not take "before" and "after" pictures. So I'll just's exactly what I needed.
I spent the entire weekend trying to get organized at home and I'm almost there. I still have tons of clothes to sort through and wash, but at least I made some headway. I didn't get to wash, but that will come this weekend. I was able to also start a few other projects that I have been wanting to start, so was a successful weekend.
I have so much stuff, and it's high time I got rid of what I'm not using. Yes, thank God for the weekend, 'cause I love every minute of doing what I want to m own little space, on my own time.
I got on the scale this morning because I have been avoiding it all month. I am not happy, but I haven't resigned myself to doing a thing about it. I ate pizza for dinner last night (because it was cheap $5), and then I ate a muffin this morning for breakfast (because I wanted it). My sister and her sister-in-law are forming a women's weight loss club and I am supposed to join. They will have their first meeting this weekend in Sacramento. I can't go, but I have the agenda. I have to envision myself lean again, like I was when I lost weight the beginning of the year. I remember I would lie on my back and hold my knees up in front of me, and just marvel at how thin they looked. That was my measuring stick to tell me that I hadn't gained any weight back.
What will get me motivated? I don't know, I don't know....maybe the challenge of getting in this club. I can see myself walking more, sweating more, and losing weight again. I have to come up with a healthier way of eating every day. Yesterday I ate five nectarines for breakfast, a small cup of soup and an artichoke for lunch and then ate six slices of pizza (they were small). But that's half of the pizza. An hour or two later.....I was dying in the bathroom. That fruit cut through me, and the cheese on the pizza just tore me up. I'm lactose intolerant for God's sake, and I eat dairy anyway. You see what I mean? Foolish, just play foolish!!!
I love fruit and I call myself eating lots of it to avoid eating the wrong thing. Well my body can't take all that. So then I eat salads, and my body can't take that either! That's why I go back to eating the wrong things. I can't stand being all gassey....what the heck am I supposed to do?
I NEED HELP. The other thing is, I haven't been to the Dr. at all this year. We changed health care providers in Feb. and I haven't investigated this new carrier. I am just living on the edge you might say........and that ain't good at all. I haven't checked my blood pressure, nothin'! Why do we fall into these self-imposed pitfalls? I don't know, but I need a hand getting out of it, 'cause I can't do it alone. HELP! SOMEBODY HELP ME!....h....e.....l...p!!!!!
OK last night I was dancing to some of my new CD's, and you know what? All I have to do is do some kind of dancing a few nights a week and continue to walk and eat better (I'm on a soup diet now), and I think I'll begin to see some changes. I know this is an easy solution, but I just didn't even feel like doing this. I have to just get up off the couch and do something! :0)

Friday, August 18, 2006

AOL just ain't right. I re-read the "fine" print on my AOL account, and AOL is still charging my account. How the heck can you say it's free, but we'll still charge for the service. Make up "my" mind AOL...either it's free or it isn't. This just ain't right. And they keep raising the fee too. You know what, they are about to get the serious boot...kicked right onto the curb.


I attended a free workshop sponsored by Toyota's new car Yaris. The art program is called "YARISWORKS" and they tour the U.S. offering all kinds of really neat instructions on art, hair styling, cooking.

The one I attended was held at this really cool Art Gallery/Boutique called "GhettoGloss" in the Silver Lake district. I was interested in attending because the workshop was on bookmaking. I didn't know what to expect, but it was more than I hoped for. Maybe they'll do this again and then I can attend some other workshops I missed.

These Yaris cars were parked on the parking lot. The set up was pretty cool...they had the cars with music playing.

There wasn't a big crowd when I first arrived, but slowly people started piling in. I enjoyed the event...they had food, a live DJ who was rocking the house, and lots of brochures and free stuff. Thanks Yaris for doing this...I loved it.

I met a really cool girl by the name of Sara, and she and a bunch of her friends go around the city and create works of art in very creative ways. One in particular she mentioned was a T-Shirt mural.

The "Chap" bookmaking class was taught by Jon Rolston, that's him in the hat. I was all ready to make these books, something bound by cording, or rivets, etc. And then he pulls out packs of cigarette boxes. We had fun, but I was certainly surprised that he considered these books. To me they were more like little notepads. But hey who am I to judge?

Jon even made some from boxes of macaroni, cereal, etc. It was a lot of fun, and the idea is pretty cool. I chose a yellow "Spirit" cigarette box since it was so bright. I could have gone with a more well known brand, "Winston, Marlboro, even Kool", but I don't want anyone seeing the notebook in my purse and thinking I'm smoking. But I have found myself collecting discarded cigarettes boxes on the street. :0) I found one the other day that had Asian lettering on it....that should be cool when it's finished.

The boutique has really cool clothing too, some are on consignment, and others are from up and coming designers. Here are a couple of models wearing some of the vintage clothing that they sell at the boutique.

The boutique has a lot of funky fresh accessories, shoes and they even sell dolls. Right now they have this doll from Japan that they're promoting.

I like the clothing and accessories, but a lot of it's pretty pricey, so I know I won't be buying very much. I'll stick to buying a few art pieces, or some accessories unless I see something I absolutely can't live without. Let's hope not, 'cause it could break the bank.

I will definitely be returning to GhettoGloss, they have some really cool artwork there. Thanks Fiora and Rachel!

LaLa'sLand..Lesley Riley

Just yesterday I picked up a book from the library entitled "Quilted Memories". The author, Lesley Riley, is one of my favorite fabric collage artists. Her work is unbelievably simplistic, but enormously ingenius. I know that doesn't give you much to go on, but you will just have to go to her website and see the work for yourself. I'm thrilled with this book because she is imparting some very valuable knowledge about being an artist, and providing tools and resources to fulfill one's dream of putting one's work out in the universe. I just love what she is saying because it's validating my work and confirming that I am on the right path. I thank God I saw this book!!!!


I am seriously getting frustrated with posting pictures on this blog. I haven't done any html editing for years, and I cannot figure out how to do this (right now). When I write, I write on a stream of consiousness, and if I remember that I have a picture to download to illustrate whatever that topic is...then it's too late and I can't download anything else. BUMMER!

Anywhoooo! I'm learning different techniques on this blog site as I go along, so perhaps I'll be able to do some other cool stuff. That's what I do....I love to make things nicer, cooler, prettier.

If you notice, I have 5 (one of which I just deleted trying to format this post---DANGIT!) pictures above because before I even got started writing, I said to myself "let me add all these pictures now and just type whatever I want around them." Well that didn't completely pan out because I was only able to add a certain amount. So maybe that's just're only allowed so many pictures per post. OK if that's the case, then say that somewhere! Don't keep saying in your instructions..."just do this, or just do that!" Like I said, I'm frustrated.

If this is the case, then I'll have to do a little forethought and plan these out as I go...and you don't plan out journaling when you just journal. OK so I get it, in the "real" world there are restrictions, but in the corners of my subconscious, I CAN DO WHATEVER THE HELL I WANT. A life without pictures to tell your story is just plain boring Okaaaay???


Money down the tubes every month....but I keep holding on to all that stuff I have in storage. They're getting so paid off me. :0( This weekend I am committed to cleaning out a bunch of stuff in storage so that I can get my overflow of possessions to a minimum. I plan on taking the bulk of & shoes to consignment shops, one in particular "Buffalo Exchange" in Studio City. They pay for this stuff if its in good condition. And why shouldn't I get paid for this excess that I've been holding on to for years, and years, and's time to purge baby in a big way. Every year the rent is increased from 4 years ago when I first moved my stuff in there.

I haven't been there to clean up in a long while so it's time. I have to do it so that I can know what's what. I remember a time when I had my futons in there and every single time I wanted to get to something, I had to pull two huge futon mattresses down and wrestle with them getting them back in there. Have you ever seen an angry sweaty woman wrestling with futon mattresses??? Oh believe me...not a pretty sight. Thank god I learned how to lift and push and use every part of my body to move them around. I am sooo serious! I had to fold the mattresses in half, push them up to a certain point, then hoist them onto my head and push more until they were perched precariously on other boxes. I tell you, all I could do when I finished was thank god....and swear that one day I wouldn't have to do it. When I finally moved them into the apt. I had help. But I also took great pride in my strength and know-how....who could I ask to come out there with me and move that crap around? There ain't that much friendship in the world. So, I'd thank God for giving me strength to endure, go home and pass out. But I got it done.....'cause I'M A STRONG BLACK WOMAN. Yes I am!

Oh but that's not the end of moving....yea you know that. You have to get that stuff hauled off to the Goodwill or trash. I don't even know where the junk yard or dump is. Then, if I bring stuff home, my little matchbox elevator only holds so much, AND THERE AREN'T ANY DOOR STOPS TO KEEP THE DOOR OPEN SO THAT YOU CAN MOVE SOMETHING IN THERE.

You have to incorporate this system, where you open the outer door, prop that against your back, slide the inner door open, prop that with a foot, get in, close the inner door, and then the outer think I'm kidding? Every time I make groceries I have to go through this. Somedays I forget and buy too much stuff....or am treated to a COSTCO run....and there's tons of groceries. Well when that happens you just prop something in the doors the best way you can. You find your system and it gets in and up to your floor.

When me and my cousin Nita first moved in we had help, and we found this cool block of wood. Well wouldn't you know that by the second day of moving...the block was stolen. Who would steal a block of wood ya'll? Anyway we managed. So if you ever need help moving and you just don't know how you're going to do it with all you have to do.....DON'T CALL ME I'VE GOT MY OWN PROBLEMS! LOL


Ok tell me if you think this is weird or what? I had a girlfriend who told me that there is this system of living your life by numbers or whatever. It's some kind of science that helps you understand how to plan or plot your life out. She swears by it and said it was the most interesting thing she's encountered...maybe it's numerology. It probably is, but that's what I'm calling it for a frame of reference 'cause I dont' have a clue what numerology involves.

I often read my horoscope and clip the really neat and inspirational predictions. So I believe there's something to Tarot cards, reading palms etc. But check this out. After moving here, and finally getting on my feet I noticed the following things.

1) When I moved into my storage space...I got a space on the 4th floor.

2) When I moved into my apt. it is on the 4th floor.

3) When I got my was on the....4th floor.

OK 4 x 4 x 4 = 12; 12 inverted is 21, my birthday; 1 + 2 = 3, I was born in March the 3rd month, and I am the 3rd girl child in my family....need I say more??? So maybe there is something to this, you think? What does it all mean?

I just made that all up!!! LOL But really, I figured it out just now because that's what it means to me. Maybe that's what numerology is all about. Oooooh spooky stuff. :0)

The other interesting thing that really trips me out is when I'm journaling in my books. I will be writing like I said, in a stream of consciousness, and I'll notice that certain words will line up exactly on the word right under the other exactly!! OK, I know you don't understand what I mean so I will prove it to you. I'll go home, hightlight it, scan it and show you. I notice it all of the doggone time. I think it's fascinating because I'll just be writing all kinds of stuff and it's like my brain will repeat that word or something at the exact that's why I'm even mentioning it. I want to know what the heck is that called, or can it be just a coincidence (over and over again)?

(Ok go back to the top of this page and look how AOL lined I lyin' I lyin'??!!! You see what happened.) Ha,ha, ha.....I TOLD YA!

So as I continue to write these'll hear more about my strange occurences. Strange by others standards I guess...but "heavenly" by mine.

I leave you now (speaking in a mysterious voice) I float away onto another spiritual journey. Au Revoir!

Tuesday, August 15, 2006


THANK YOU GOD FOR MY LIFE.... Yesterday (8/14/06) was my Daddy's 80th birthday. HAPPY BIRTHDAY OLLIE BENNETT, SR! I love you!

And my Mom turned 77 on July 14th! I LOVE YOU MOM! HAPPY BIRTHDAY GERRY! Miss Gerry spent her birthday in Finland visiting my brother and his family. God bless my family always....they are everything to me.


Last week Thurs. my coworker, Ken, was memorialized at a special service in our chapel. This was a very special man to me. He was so kind and helped me when I needed to make a copy of a videotape to submit to a theatre festival. After he saw me dancing on the tape...he began calling me "Twinkle Toes."

This gentle soul lost his battle to cancer on Aug. 2, and I will miss him. He and his wife were married 61 years! Ken and his wife Phyllis worked together at the same organization for years. They were inseparable.

She's doing well, and has her family (her daughter, grandsons) around her.

I realized, when posting this, just how many loved ones I have lost over the here is a partial listing of those people who were in my life one way or another, and deserve to have their lives celebrated. The years may be many, but their lives remain a part of me every single day.

In honor of my family and friends who have gone on and have been promoted to glory. I love you!

































Wednesday, August 09, 2006

It's all good. I need a long vacation from my job. I wish there was a way to take a couple of weeks and just do what I want to do....create, create, and.....C-R-E-A-T-E!!

Finally, a pic of my creations. I love accessories and here are some items I came up with. The shoe can be used as a pin cushion and the purse is a miniature, not really for use. I actually started out by making a female torso (another obsession), and the shoe and purse just followed.

Don't ask me why I chose the color scheme. I was in a bin of appliques in the garment district downtown L.A. at one of my favorite fabric/notions store, and they had these for a dollar or something. So I grabbed up as many as I could find.

When I got home I just added the pieces to them and it just seemed to work. Well anyway I like it.


Last Friday my choir's piano player had a CD Release Party at BB King's at Universal City Walk and it was loads of fun! Shout out to Don, Camille and FAME choir's who were up in that joint, having a party! I appeared in Don's video for one of the singles, "BBQ" and we had a ball filming that at Griffiths Park. I hope to see it on BET, MTV one day....the boy's got mad skillz!

We had so much fun it was crazy....hey Monique, Monica and Sherrilyn!!! What goes on in the car, stays in the car...(teehee). And that goes double for our Table.

The headliner that evening was a band called the "Polyester Players." Oh...those brothas got down to the ground. Reminded me of the Ohio Players or Outkast, because they were wild with theirs. The guitar player was rolling all over the floor and never missed a lick! And the singers were off the hook. They had humor, energy and stage presence. I definitely recommend catching this band whenever you see their names. Play on Playas!! They will be the next big breakout band.


Some days, no some months are better than others....and this month has been phenomenal! Not only have I been catching up on my projects, but I've attended some great jazz concerts, and fulfilled a goal of attending a Gift Show for exhibitors and buyers. And the great thing was, I had no idea I was going to attend. Thanks cousin Dena, and her girl Tori for hookin' a sistah up. Man I enjoyed the show....seeing just what it takes to be a full fledged vendor, someone selling handmade wares and being able to let buyers see what you have to offer. I saw my future....and it does look bright.

I'm one of those girls who wants things when I want them. I work hard and I pray, and when I see my efforts going bugs me. I want to get those oppportunities where I can get my foot in the door and step up my game. For years and years I've played it safe. People tell me all the time that I've created cool things. When I used to be a vendor at the flea market in DC, I sold a little, but got a lot of great feedback.

Everytime I turn around now, people are raving about how unbelievable some of my work is...well....what I want is someone to notice it, buy it, support it. And I need to have that happen NOW! I never took myself serious, and now I can't stop obsessing over the possibilities. I know it will happen, but I need patience and that's hard to do when you feel like you're doing all you can but the obstacles and hurdles keep appearing. I know that one day I'll look up and I won't be sitting behind this desk. I'll be in MY STUDIO, with clay and paint and glitter everywhere, and I'll smile and say....yea, I told you so!

I'm learning to Toot my own horn, and get out there and be a saleswoman. I have to be 'cause no one can do anything for you. I will be successful. But until that day...the beat goes on and I've got to shake, rattle and roll the drums so that I will get noticed, get the chance to show you what I'm workin' with...on a large scale. I'm doing this for a reason.....God knows I am.

This is one of my all time favorite quotes....


Well at least I have two images posted today....progress! :0)

Tuesday, August 08, 2006


So today is another day to stretch out and examine my thoughts, and ramblings. I love the idea of being able to journal online...although I do journal (excessively) at home, you'll just read about the cool, quirky, charismatic side of Miss Chriss.

I'd like to give some SHOUT OUTS to all my peeps in Sacramento, Oroville, L.A., Finland, and DC/MD! What'sup ya'll? That's right we are internationally known.

I've got a pretty cool group of friends & acquaintances in my life. And my family is all over the place in terms of who they are and what they do....we're corporate, artists, craftspeople, dancers, actors, singers, rappers, designers, county/gov't, here, there and everywhere! We're trying to do something positive and make things happen in our world. I wish us all great success in all that we do and strive to do....I LOVE YA'LL MAN! :0)


Whew lord, I never knew the obsessions that would take over my life and just keep me running from pillar to post (Mom loves that saying). I mean, the moment I began looking at the real possibility of making clothing and accessories, I was hooked. And then I found what I was looking for to further my research on the topin in the library, and in magazines, and then on cable tv. Thank God for cable tv. I saw and taped a show called "Wearable Art" and it changed me forever. From that moment on...I had to get involved.

I taped "Style with Elsa Klensch" religiously. And lord there were so many wonderful designers I learned about, Claude Montana, Christian LaCroix, Versace, JP Gaultier, and Karl Lagerfield just to name a few that dazzled me with their fashion. I was also aware of alot of extraordinary Black designers...Byron Lars, Patrick Kelly (deceased), Willi Smith (deceased), and Tracy Reese just to name a few of my favorites. These people were creating works of art....and my Passion for Fashion exploded.

One year I bought a hat at KMart in Maryland. My curious nature led me examine the hat and before I knew it, I was at the local fabric store buying a sewing machine. The year was 1985 and once I bought that machine, all I did was design hats with matching accessories. I made so many hats and matching belts, and even a few purses - it was amazing because I taught myself alot of tips to do things (that weren't in the patterns). I also made jewelry and had never taken courses on doing so. I just read and learned by trial and errors. That's fun to me....the discovery of it all.

But the one thing I did which was such a great exercise in learning about constructing an article of clothing, was sewing a pair of gloves. You would not believe what it takes to make a pair of gloves. I was determined to become a Miliner, and still have some of those hats and belts....I wear them when I want to really make a statement...coordinating my attire from head to hand. Cool beans!

That's what I love about creating anything....God guides you and your practical knowledge of how things work just opens up and you figure that thing out. It's like the first time I made a daytimer book...I customized the entire book. I went to Kinko's and copied my favorite pictures, and sayings and laid it all out....voila, it was a masterpiece! When I began finishing the front and back covers for the book, I ran into trouble. I didn't have a clue about bookbinding, but there was this little extra piece that didn't fit, and if I cut would leave a gaping hole. MAGICALLY, my hands began folding and tucking, and I worked. So to this day...I'm not big on following instructions when I make something. I do when I am making something I've never made before (for the most part), but mostly I just go with the flow.

Doggonit...I had some really cool pics to share for this post, and it still won't let me add additional pictures. What's the dealio?? I hope to have the solution to my problems with these pictures by next posting.


Monday, August 07, 2006

HELLO WORLD! Giving honor and praise to God Almighty....

Well here I go. My first day as a "blogger". You gotta love this country....AOL just announced that they are providing subscribers "free" service, and here I am blogging for free. Yahoo! :0)

As much as I read blogs, and see all the capabilities for use and formatting these individual spaces...I know this is going to take some getting used to. A place in "cyberspace" where I can just be me!!! How can that be? I know that I will post all kinds of goobly-gook, and musings because that's just how I do it.

I like how signing up for new accounts etc. forces you to come up with these "catchy" passwords, and names. Ideas just pop out, and well, there you have it.....I am officially...."C-TO-THE-B". I like that.

Anyway, I'm just bloggin', chillaxin' out here in the sunny valley and peaks of my mind. It will only get better...'cause today is a beautiful day, and the possibilities are endless.


I love art. Be it primitive to the classics. I will be posting some of my works because that's what you have to do when you're trying to get noticed. Get out there and let the world experience what you have to's high time I did that for real, not by way of somebody else. So stay tuned.

I am a great lover of all things Victorian. Oh my many images of what I wish I had experienced...the art of courting, romance, lace & velvet, those things truly speak to the essence of being a woman. I am a Girly-Girl to the highest it, love it, love it!

I also love folk art and country designs...simplistic stuff, the basics of Americana. I guess my style is eccecletic...even though I hate using that word. I think that word is overused, but for the sake of today...that's what I


Gotta have a website I can sell stuff...all kinds of stuff. I heard eBay is cool, but wading through all the rates and postings is a bit daunting. I will have to sit down with my cousin and see if she can help me get through it...she swears by it, so I gotta do it. I'm just being lazy 'cause I know all I have to do is read the material....but why not see it in action...the easier the better.

I need more images on this site, and I couldn't add them...hmmm. :0(. That's not good...

Oh well, I better get back to what I was doing before I found this site.....(teehee). I'm signing off for now...but I'll be back in full effect.

C-TO-THE-B....Christine, that's me!