A few months back I was surfing the net and found a cool site called "ThreadBanger". It's an online video show that features interviews and instructions for "Do It Yourselfers." The show documents all kinds of DIY projects and events for those of us who love to sew and make things. The hosts, Corinne and Rob, are the perfect pair to host a show like this too. They have a unique look, style and wit.
I absolutely love this site because I have found lots of great tips and techniques, not to mention, it has raised the bar for a lot of projects I'm working on...and I realize I can do so much more with them.
There's features where you can send in your own video detailing your project, or you can just post items to the site. People ask questions and post answers in the "forum" section, and I love going through those because you learn all kinds of stuff.
Some guy posted a recipe for making microwave popcorn using a brown bag and loose popcorn kernels. I always buy loose popcorn because it lasts longer than the 3 mini bags I get at the store, so this really hit home for me. Imagine, now all I have to do is buy the brown lunch bags, smear some butter on one side, pour some kernels in, and let it POP, POP, POP. And I don't have to clean up my big old pan each time. Sweet! If you don't know...you don't know.
There was also this other young kid who makes these awesome T-shirts, and he's gotten attention from Rock Stars, Movie Stars and the like...and his creativity is awesome. The fact that he's making money, and was willing to share his techniques online is great...because it showed me that I need to think "waaaaay outside the box." I am being too conservative...so I need to really let go once in a while. I can at least have a little of both you know?
The other thing I like is that they have their own "Threadhead" language (will post when I find it again), and they sign off on every show with this hand gesture that resembles cutting the air with scissors. (Check out the ad above and you can see Corrine signin') :0) You know how we all want to "identify" ourselves with something cool? Well if I start doing that, perhaps I'll run into some other Threadheads and we'll greet each other with our secret hand signals....I know, it's whacky, but what else is new? Snip, Snip!!

I recently had an opportunity to listen, really listen again to Miss Mary J. Blige on her "The Breakthrough" CD.
I was having a particularly rough night, very emotionally spent, and I had to settle myself down. So I put on my iPod, and I had forgotten that I had selected Mary J. the day before. So when I hit the play button, she began to immediately speak...to me...like I had never heard her speak before.
I remember when I used to see those video clips of the young girls crying back stage at Janet Jackson's Rythm Nation concerts and they were just going on and on about how she touched their lives etc. Well, I now felt that same way.
It was amazing because there were at least 3-4 songs in a row that had a message that I hadn't thought applied to me. You know how you just hear that bangin' beat, and you sing the words, but you're not processing them internally? Well that's what I had been doing up until this night. And the richness of her tone and voice were just incredible...she is a true singer in every respect. I thought I knew it before, but I really do now.
I tell you, I had my own Breakthrough that night and I couldn't believe it. I didn't go out and change how I was handling myself the next day, but it confirmed within me that what I have been doing was ok. The songs "Take Me As I Am", "Gonna Breakthrough", "Can't Keep A Good Woman Down" and "Enough Cryin" did it for me. WOW!!! I have loved Mary's transformation over the years, heard her stories, and watched her DVD where she gives more insight into her songs, and I just began to really appreciate her journey.
I didn't realize how much our lives were being mirrored until that night, and I'm thankful that now I do know it. You just never know how the message is going to be delivered to you. Not only do you not know by whom, but I believe God knew I needed to hear it right then and right there....there's no other explanation.
So I have to say thank you Mary J. for continuing to make such wonderful music. I definitely do feel you.

My opinion of this artist has been changed. From the moment I saw her sing an operatic song on an Academy Award show a few years back...I knew Beyonce was a consumate performer. She really did sing her @ss off!
My opinion up to that point was that she was all show and little substance (a Janet Jackson type - sorry but Ms. Jackson is a featherweight in the singing dept.). So I stand corrected Miss B.
I have never bought a Destiny's Child CD, but a friend made a copy for me. It was the CD before their final farewell CD. Surprisingly I liked most of the CD, and found a few songs where I loved the music and lyrics.
I remember the first time I ever saw Destiny's Child, I immediately taped the video, "NO, NO, NO, NO, NO." I used to tape a lot of videos years ago from BET's video programs and this was one I had to have.
As I watched them through the years, I was like, "umph, they're doing their thing" - nothing groundbreaking or earth shattering...until "Bills, Bills, Bills" came out. I loved that video and the clothes (of course). So I taped that one too.
Their albums came and went and I liked a few radio hits. Fast forward to Miss B's B-Day album. I was watching MTV Tr3s a few weeks back and caught her on a show that was already in progress. Beyonce was previewing the videos from her album and providing commentary on how they were created. It was a very good show!!
I saw one video in particular that nailed it for me...."Get Me Bodied." Ok, I'm a Theatre Arts major and I love musicals...and singing and dancing. That's why I get all hyped up about fashion, animation, and art & entertaining....I love performing.
As she began to talk about this video, I knew already that the theme was from one of my favorite musicals I had the opportunity to tape years ago, "Sweet Charity" featuring Shirley MacLaine, Chita Rivera and the awesome Paula Kelly. The dance sequences in that movie were choreographed by the late great Bob Fosse and they were incredible.

I had never seen this movie before, so when I happened upon it, it changed me forever because I realized that back then, Fosse was the king...or queen, :0) as it were. This movie made him a bad mutha (shut yo' mouth)!!!
Oh my gosh, the costumes, the sets, the dancers...PHENOMENAL. I have watched a number of Fosse movies, and this one was the best. This movie also starred a number of great male stars like Sammy Davis, Jr., Ben Vereen, Ricardo Montalban and Stubby Kaye...the old hoofers!
If you've never seen Sweet Charity, you might not have an appreciation for what Beyonce's people did. They kept the integrity of the dance number in tact while infusing what's popular in dance today. The clothing and bits of Sweet Charity's choreography were also used and it was done very well.
I enjoyed the commentary of each of the other video's too because it lets you know just how much work and technology is involved. I won't go into it because I can't remember everything she said...but it involves long hours and a lot of hard, hard work.
I have to give props where props are due....and they are definitely due to Miss B! I am amazed at her talent and her style. I felt that way when I saw her in Dreamgirls too. She held her own in my opinion although Jennifer ran away with the Oscar. Beyonce is very stylized. She has that "it" girl factor working for her and she's a triple threat...she sings, she dances and she acts (not in the dramatic, oscar winning category, but she's doin' the damn thang).
Thanks go out to Beyonce for bringing back a favorite musical with that video, and she has my vote for entertainer of the year. She is Beyoncelicious!!

Oh my goodness....this show is a hoot! I caught an episode on "what else?" - MTV Tr3s!! What can I say...there's some interesting shows on there if you catch them. :0)
I can remember my days being on The Dance Connection television show in Washington, DC, and when I saw this show, I was glad that we weren't in the least bit "Ghetto Fabulous" even with our low budget.
This show has a host who is very street savvy and she can move. She has her cast of regulars and they do all the latest dances from the streets and videos. So if you want to learn how to do the "Aunt Jackie"...you've got to watch "Tweetie" do her thang.
I was crackin' up at her....but she's got her tv host personality in tact. She's lively, she's funny, and she has kept this idea on tv where other shows like this have failed. They've had a couple of dance off tv shows and they just didn't last.
Gotta give props out to 'DANCES' FROM THA HOOD'. You've got to see it to believe it.