When you reach a certain age and maturity, things are expected to change. However, I have always considered myself "young at heart". When did I change into this person who doesn't have her hand on the pulse of the new generation of artists cropping up???
I think I began to notice it a few years ago when I watched The American Music Awards. I didn't know half of the artists on the show. Good Charlotte, Maroon 5.....what the heck?? Yes, I keep up with more of the R & B entertainers, but I had always known who was hot every year. I can't say that anymore.
Since I've been watching MTV Tr3s, which is a Spanish version of MTV, I have seen some artists that I am not aware of. MTV Tres has a lot of Latin music but they also feature a lot of the regular American artists and shows that the other MTV show has. I watched Pimp My Ride and Cribs. So I'm glad I found the channel.
But the other night I watched two videos that I really liked, and I had NO IDEA WHO THESE PEOPLE WERE. I was like, "I'm waaay out of touch". LOL

Here's a review of their 2003 album:
On EMIGRANTE, Latin hip-hop crew Orishas serves up a heady brew of aggressive, Cypress Hill-style rap combined with smooth Cuban vocals, old school beats, and sharp, minimalist production. A number of tracks also feature traditional Latin instrumentation, making the album a true fusion of North and South. Unlike many non-English speaking hip-hoppers, Roldan, Ruzzo and Yotuel are prodigious rhymers, reveling in the Spanish language's natural melodiousness, but adding a rhythmic virtuosity and biting edge usually only heard in the work of the best East coast rappers. By contrast, Orishas' lazy grooves often recall the West Coast G-funk jams of Dr. Dre. Despite the obvious touchstones, however, the presence of real instruments and the frequent use of vocals keep the record sounding fresh. Orishas' totally unique approach to hip-hop and their refusal to merely copy American artists makes EMIGRANTE one of the genre's, and perhaps 2002's, most important albums.
I don't speak Spanish, so I have no idea what they're saying, but the music is good and that hook "Hay Un Son" is nice. So, if you haven't heard of this group either, check out their video in the Video Post Section of this blog. The video is very creative and visually stunning.
The other group was called Gym Class Heroes. I think I've seen some posts about their song, "Take Your Clothes Off" but never saw a picture of them. This video is fun and the music is great.

I couldn't believe I had never heard of these folks either, but I like this song. I don't get the stuffed animal/mascot angle, but I missed the opening so perhaps there was a clue about why they chose to use them. Interesting....I can appreciate any video that doesn't have a lot of half naked men and women all over each other.
I've also seen this other video from Lil Mama, and she is just too grown for her little self. I don't like it when I see young girls, really young girls being sexual. I don't know how young she is, but she's in love with how her Lip Gloss is attracting attention. Uh yea...if that's what floats her boat! She looks like she's in the 9th grade or something and there is just way too much bumpin' and shakin' for me. I know, I know....that's what the kids do, but I'm one who has never liked it.
I remember some years ago when this song was out, "Hey Little Mama, how you get so freaky" or something like that....and these were elementary school kids doing all that rump shakin'. It was disgraceful and I'm glad it didn't stay on the scene too long, nor did the people make any follow up videos. The folks in the hood see a way to make some dollas, and they exploit our youth. Not anything new I know, but its just so unbelievable that the parents were in the doggone video chanting and egging these kids on. WTH?
So when did I become so out of touch? I think its because I listen to a lot more CD's than I used to. I also have my iPod and that's on most of the time when I'm traveling to and from work. At work I listen to my iTunes or Real Player from CD's I've downloaded 'cause my radio reception is bad. Also I don't have cable (BIG REASON), and I don't listen to the radio in the car like I used to. I used to know all the new songs. So up until I started watching this new MTV channel , I'd go online and see who was out there. But again, I can't know all of the new folks out there 'cause different sites have different genres of music.
It seems lately that I've found out about these new groups from watching TV. I did with Amy Winehouse...started seeing her trailers and liked what I heard. I also remember when I first caught wind of The Buena Vista Social Club. I happened to be watching PBS one night and caught the documentary. I was blown away!!! Not only did I love the story of reviving the careers and music from these old Cuban singers, I was thrilled to see they had an album out thanks to Ry Cooder who documented this story. As soon as it became available I went right out and bought it. Now, everytime I see Ry Cooder listed on albums or whatever, I have much respect for him. He is all about preserving music.
Since I do read a lot I have found myself coming across a few unfamiliar singers like, Cesaria Evora, because I'm reading an article in a magazine. I was reading a review of her music almost 8 years ago and she sounded extraordinary. I have yet to hear a lot of her music, but the reviews of her were amazing. Cesaria is from Cape Verde and is listed as a folk singer. When I read the review about her it was so fascinating because the reviewer said that she likes to perform with her shoes off, and that she's a woman who's had a troubled past...something about drinking, fighting, and other hard hitting tales she told him. She too has been around for a while, but I never saw any press on her until I read the article back in the early 2000's. So I'm glad I found these people.

Cesaria Evora
Also, I've been in book stores and have heard unusual music playing over the intercom that I like, so I'll find out who the artists are. I did that when I heard "ManRay" for the first time. I soon found out that they have volumes of music. Never heard of them before, but I loved the fact that they had such diverse music from all over the world.
I guess you have to listen to Third World and/or Alternative music to know about these people. So I might not be out of touch, just not searching for what's out there.
And it seems that I am being drawn to more and more Latin music. I think that's natural, given the power of rhythms and music kept from Slavery. As a matter of fact, Orishas has images of African Masks and an Elephant, and Dia de la Muerte (Day of the Dead) Sculls in their video. And if you know your African/Latin Religion - Orisha is a Santeria God. It's very evident that the music lives on from the Africans who were dropped off in every part of the world. Who knew there were indigenous Blacks in the Netherlands, but they are there. It could be that since I'm back in "MexiFornia" I am influenced. Yea I said it, and ya'll know it's true. LOL The basic truth is that I like what I like.
Needless to say....I'm hoping I can get my groove back and stay on top of what's poppin', what's shakin', what's crackin' in the music world. I guess if the music isn't crossing over to my side of the fence....I'm just missing out on it altogether. Get it together girlie and look and listen up!!!