Yep, the barriers are going up around my workplace because the Toyota Grand Prix will be here in April.
I have never gone before, but maybe I'll be blessed with a ticket this year. What's even better is that we get a day off the day before the races begin because when the trial runs start, the noise is just unbearable. The cars zoom around most of the day prior to the race, so that Friday we get to be off.
I love it though. The area is filled with excitement as you see the signs and banners of the sponsors go up. The race cars are awesome too. Even the Hollwood celebs have a day where they come out and test drive the cars. I have never seen any of them, but you always read about it in the paper the next day or see it on the entertainment shows.
I also noticed that there is some art on the steps of the Long Beach Performing Arts Center. A temporary "Bike Art Exhibit" has been set up for the past few weeks. It's pretty cool because a lot of people do bike around Long Beach to get around. Whoever the sculptors are; they created some masterpieces, and that's why they're there!
This sculptor added moving parts. The top wheel rotates like a windmill. Pretty ingenious!
Isn't this sea turtle the coolest?
I was on the internet reviewing different artistic sites today and came upon some cool "clothing" websites. First let me tell you, I "KNOW" God is guiding my hand and talents...because when I see what I see on the internet, it just blows my mind. He wants me to realize that I have been procrastinating, and that NOW IS THE TIME to get out there and do what I know I have to do....CREATE AND SHOW MY WORK! No matter whether my acceptance is good, bad, or indifferent....I've got to be out there, just like the people's sites I've visited.
Anyway, it's amazing how I select these sites that show me something, and teach me about what it is I have to do. Years ago I came up with an idea to attach accessories to clothing. My line would be called "Snap-To-It"(c) copyright. I never did the prototype, and never even discussed it with anyone. And that's what makes me even more upset....just like one other idea I had that someone created and ran I saw where the designer created a shirt with a row of snaps on the outside of the item, a "Snap Shirt" is what she called it. The designer's name is Karly Hand, and I have to give her her props. She thought of it too, in her own way. I still have my way...which I intend to create and sell. She states the following - "The fantastic thing about this shirt is that it allows you to reconstruct on the fly with no sewing skills at all in the world. Snap a new goodie on or off on a whim!" DAMMNNIIITTT!! :0) Girlfriend did exactly what I set out to do. But you know....I'm not going to be discouraged because everybody's got their own vision of things. I mean, if the first person to make something unique stopped after he saw another designer create a unique item...where would we be?
I was intrigued by this site, so I read Karly's bio and she mentioned that she and some other women (I think they're Gay folks too-not that there's anything wrong with it :0) I just noticed it said "Dyke-friendly styles". Who else but Gay people would make that distinction? I'm jus' sayin'.), have banded together to create a "handmade" designer consortium of sorts. They have produced a fashion show called STITCH in Austin, TX and it appears to be a great success. She also has a show on TV called, Stylelicious, where she and her team of designers show the viewers how to create and construct items into garments. I am so with that idea. I have been doing this for's amazing when you actually see and hear of someone who is on the same page as yourself.
Anyway, this little discovery today just inspired me to do what I have to do...get busy and get out there....thanks to Karly and her Austin Craft Mafia.
Yes, yes...with each passing year we get older, and this month I will age another year...ugh/yea! That's exactly how I feel too. I hate to get older in age, but I am damn sure glad to be alive!! LOL
When I look at my peers and the health issues they are having right now...yes, I am blessed because my azz has been doing all the wrong things for too long. OK you've heard it all before, and I keep saying "I'll change."
But yesterday I got online and found the top ten healthiest foods, and I'm going to try something. I'm not going to say another word on the subject. You'll have to just see the new and improved me...when I become new and improved. Yea I said it. That's my story and I'm sticking to it.
I have never, ever had a real birthday celebration as an adult. My cousin throws herself a party every year, but I never seem to have my Sh...together enough to do it. Where would I have it? Who do I invite? Geez...could I really pull it off and would people show up??!!
Most years, I just take the day off or celebrate after my actual day, or I just do something alone that makes me feel like I'm bringing it in with a bang! I'll be a lucky if I even feel like celebrating...last year was horrible...nothing felt right, and people reacted with little or no enthusiasm about it. I mean the people who really counted. I did something weeks after my birthday, but the actual day sucked. So since that was a milestone birthday and nothing happened, my expectations are low. But, I'm not going to have a pity party. I'll just thank God for my birthday and that will be that. Whatever else happens is really icing on the cake. So with that said....HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ALL US SPRINGTIME BABIES! March 21st, 2007 is Christine's special, spectacular birthday and I'm going to act like it.
Finally, I have to make mention of this because it really hurt my heart so....I mean so many terrible things do, but this is the latest terrible event. A father deliberately crashed his Cessna plane into his ex mother-in-law's house, killing himself and his 8 year daughter...because he wanted to get back at his ex wife. What kind of person says to himself, that my daugher, my own flesh and blood is worth nothing to the world but to be used as a pawn in an act of revenge? Reports say that the man called his wife and said, "you'll never get her!" and that the little girl could be heard in the background crying for her mother to come get her. This man saw that he could hurt his wife for divorcing him, and just wouldn't let the fact that he had visitation rights with the daughter be enough. His ego, his pride, his self worth was so damaged when she divorced him, that he set about this plan to destroy her world, just like his was.
I am just so distraught about events like this - suicide/homicide. One of my little cousin's was killed like this and it is such a cowardly act. If this sick individual wants to kill themselves, fine - no one can stop them, but to involve someone else unwillingly, unknowingly, and so innocently is just appalling. Will this man burn in hell forever? Will this wife, and the grandmother, and their family and friends ever come to grips with this loss of life...this innocent child's beautiful life? God has all the answers, but I am praying for understanding. I am praying for peace and for acceptance, and that the mother will not blame these events on herself. How can people be so cruel? It's a sad and terrible world we live in sometimes.