Last night I watched the movie on ABC tv, "Path to 9/11" and it was awesome. It gave so much insight into how the Terrorists planned their attack. I only want to say that my heart grieves for the families who lost their loved ones in this catastrophic event.
Just like the Hurricane Katrina victims.....the government was well aware of the risks and potential danger of both incidents - but they didn't heed the warnings.
I must admit that I was afraid to ride the trains and busses, so I drove on 9/11. I keep hearing about "new" threats with named targets. L.A. has not had any catastrophic events so everyone keeps saying that it's our turn. All we can do is pray that our security measures are in place and that we are safer than what I've heard. God help us, and bless the families of those who's lives were lost.
MADEMOISELLE JOSEPHINE BAKER In Jr. High School, I became an all-around athlete due to the dedication of one lady, Ms. Avila, my coach. Ms. Avila came from a wonderful family of teachers and professionals. Her brother was a band teacher at this same school.
Ms. Avila believed that "her kids" could do anything, and with her guidance and love...we did! From Gymnastics to Volleyball, to Track & Field to Baseball, to Basketall to Flag Girls...not to mention Modern Dance, Drill Team, Tennis, Badminton and Field Hockey. She was a mentor to all of us girls, and even to some of the boys, and she still is to this day.
Through her love of performing arts, I fell in love with Rhythmic Gymnastics and Dance. I loved Gymnastics too, and even went on to play for the U.S.V.B.A (United States Volleyball Association), but dancing became a passion of mine.
When I lived in Washington, DC I began watching PBS and taping special documentaries and special theatre presentations. One year I happened upon the PBS documentary on Josephine Baker. Wow! My life was changed forever. This woman came from such humble beginnings to become an international superstar and rule the roost on the Paris stage during the 1920's and 30's until her death in the 1970's! I was lucky enough to tape a small portion of one of her films "Princess Tam" that I truly cherish. It has a very small sampling of her dance performance in it, but it's worth it. I am going to start looking for copies of her films so that I can have a Josephine Baker Filmography for my DVD / Video library one day.
From the moment I learned who Mdme. Baker was, I was in awe of her talents and perseverance. She was a TRENDSETTER and took the world by storm with her daring antics. There isn't an entertainer today that can rival her. From my point of view, Josephine Baker represented the ultimate Femme, and had the world on a string.
In college I had the opportunity to portray a character in George Wolfe's "Colored Museum" that was based on Miss Josephine - "LaLa". What fun that was!Over the past 3 years I began doing a little internet surfing for pictures of her and found so many images. Josephine's costumes are so incredible that I can't believe what I've seen. The first costume above is one of my favorites because it reminds me of an African Tribal outfit. You have to give the designers major "props" for being so innovative. I absolutely love the costumes from the "Golden Age" of Hollywood as it's known.
One year when I was vacationing in New York, my sister and I found a hotel right across the street from the restaurant that bears her name..."Chez Josephine." It was closed the day we arrived, but I did take pictures in front of it.
I have such a "passion" for Ms. Baker that I have begun transfering her images onto T-shirts, jackets and bookcovers to show my love for all things "Josephine." The only thing I am trippin' off on is her bisexuality. But back in that era Artists who were the toast of the town, reveled in their freedom from moral attitudes of the day and their sexuality was very open.
Ms. Baker was among many woman who "went both ways". The famous Spanish painter Frida Kahlo was shown to have had a fling with Josephine in the movie where actor Salma Hayak portrayed Frida. I guess that's why Paris used to be referred to as "Gay Paree!"
Now here is a woman who really rocks the Fashion world, and it is so strange. Weeks after I found her on the internet, and was thinking that I had never heard of her. I was watching some old fashion videotapes, and wouldn't you know it, someone interviewed her briefly. So it just goes to show you that you never know what you know...until you know it. :0) I call it "syncronicity".
OK, is this not the BAAADEST hat and photo you have ever seen? Here's another woman that has captured my attention because of who and what she is.
I came across a website and saw a picture of this woman and began searching for other pictures, and I cannot believe all of the outfits that she's been bold enough to wear.
Anna is a true "FASHIONISTA". This woman has been a trendsetter since she was a young woman and as you can see, she's still at it well into her declining years. I ain't mad at her 'cause she's still rocking the fashon world with her eccentric style.
I mean, who are these people who decide that they are going to set the world on fire with whatever, and then put it out there in the world for all to sneer, jeer or cheer about?
You really have to be so self confident that nothing, absolutely nothing and no one can deter your vision. I love what she represents....Fashion, Boldness, a Maverick, Freedom of Expression....YOU GO ANNA PIAGGI!
I was on the train coming from NoHo on Thurs. evening and saw a black guy dressed in what appeared to be a theatrical costume. I'm thinking OK, he's either going to work or coming from it...Universal Studios is right in the area. NOT! After I got a better look at him, I saw his full get-up, and it was a "get-up!" Homeboy was about 6' 9", he was wearing this custom made leather vest/breastplate with all these leather pieces sticking out all over. And his face was painted gold with red stripes on it. But the most incredible part was his hair / headgear. He had long red & yellow braids or locs, and on top of his head was a headpiece that resembled Ram's horns, but they were made out of plastic and just wrapped and twisted in the the shape of horns.
Now I could only see him from the waist up from where I was sitting. But when he exited the train, I saw that he had a loin cloth on and these knee-high Frankenstein boots with all the leather pieces all over it. The costume was professionally made, so it wasn't cheesy, but his azz on a train in that get up was completely outrageous! Everyone just laughed and smirked when he exited....I said to myself, "...only in L.A."
On Sat. I was invited by a friend to attend the Pasadena Playhouse production of August Wilson's play, "Fences". This play starred Laurence Fishburne and Angela Bassett in the lead roles. The other fabulous supporting castmembers were, Wendell Pierce (Ray, Waiting to Exhale, Get on The Bus); Kadeem Hardison (Different World); and Orlando Jones (Drumline).
The play was wonderful and the actors gave it their all. I was completely impressed with Orlando Jones' role as the shell-shocked brother of the main character Troy. He gave a very convincing performance as a "crazy man".
A picture of the billboard taken outside the Pasadena Playhouse production of Fences by August Wilson.
During intermission I noticed an actor from a tv show I had watched earlier in the week. The show is called "Standoff", and I told the actor, Ron Livingston, how much I enjoyed the show. Well he thanked me for watching and then he introduced me to his costar, Rosemary DeWitt, who was there with him.
I'm sure they were both there to support their other co-star, Gina Torres, who is Laurence Fishburne's wife.
As usual with black actors, Gina is not considered one of the "stars" of the show. But she is the boss lady, so that's a step in the right direction
I immediately gave the camera to my friend to take the picture, and he wasn't very good at it....not the best I'm afraid.
These were very nice people, and I will try to catch their show (if I can remember when it's on). A great time was had by all